Baby Caspian kidnapped in Norway…

30 Aug 2016 by admin, Comments Off on Baby Caspian kidnapped in Norway…

Nadia is heading home to Brandal after three days of trial at the County Council for Child Welfare and Social Affairs (Fylkesnemnda) in Bergen.
She has been told that she will get an answer about the custody of Caspian in two weeks. While Nadia waits for a verdict in the trial, her lawyer has been told that she will be allowed visitations. Nadia has asked for the four hours of visitation she missed this week in addition to the hours that she is being given before the upcoming decision.


Nadia’s thoughts:

“I have a good feeling about the case,” Nadia said. She wished this update to be published so that people would know what is happening and hopes that people will continue to keep her and Caspian in their thoughts and prayers.

My thoughts:

I’m still learning about Barnevernet procedure. I had not heard from anyone about this two week wait until today. Nadia had mentioned to me a few days ago that she might have to wait a “week or so.”

When any information about the visitations becomes available, I will let you know.

Chris Reimers

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