A birthday prayer for my mother, Florica Curpaș

6 Nov 2016 by admin, Comments Off on A birthday prayer for my mother, Florica Curpaș

Today my dear Mom is celebrating her 79th birthday!

I would so love to be with her today but unfortunately I can’t as she lives in Romania, I live in U.S. … But I dedicate her my prayer and ask God to give her a wonderful birthday!

A birthday prayer for my mother

Dear heavenly Father I thank you for my loving mother.
I thank you for all the things she has done and given me.

I pray her day is filled with good things and happy moments — not only today but everyday.
Lord, put a smile on her face and let her bring cheer to those she meet; let her shine your love.
I thank you for your promises for her life. Thank you that you are her rock, her fortress, her deliver,
her healer, her shield and her strength. Thank you that she has the mind of Christ and that she is filled with Your love, peace, joy and strength every day.
Thank You that You are with her and You promise
to always take care of her.

Mom I say to you that:
God rejoices in your life.
He believes in you…
watches over you…
and tenderly keeps you in His constant care.
You are valued and loved!
May God reveal His many blessings He has in store for you
in the beginning of this another year!

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday messages for Florica Curpas on Christian Radio in Oradea, Romania:

(November 5, 2015)

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