Mr. Knut Nygaard Writes a Letter to Help Bodnariu

25 May 2016 by admin, Comments Off on Mr. Knut Nygaard Writes a Letter to Help Bodnariu

If you spend any time on Delight in Truth, you know Mr Knut Nygaard. He is an employee of Barnevernet in the larger city of Bergen, Norway, and he has been defending the CPS as a whole. Having said that, Mr Nygaard has had reservations about the way the Bodnariu case has been handled in the small municipality of Naustdal.

Today he wrote a letter to the CPS leader in Nausdtal (here) and followed up with this comment to DiT: “… it may give me an earlier retirement. If the CPS in Naustdal makes a complaint to my employer accusing me of interference in their ongoing work I think I’m off duty in the near future.”

Here are some excerpts from the letter (google translate from Norwegian – the meaning of the message is preserved despite the rough translation) :

“It is reasonably painful that the Municipal Councilman in Naustdal is willing to go down with the municipal flag to prevent these four [older Bodnariu kids] to get the opportunity to return to their own [family]. Probably it is uncertain what will happen with Ezekiel.

It is not in the child welfare social task to destroy an ordinary family of 7.

I’m in the final stretch of my working career and much of it has been happening and will still take place in the municipal child welfare. The last 23 years I have worked in one of the now 8 CPS areas in Bergen. My main responsibilities are receiving, investigations and measures.

At our office, we received 475 messages in 2014 – higher likelyhood of acute evaluations. In Naustdal they received a total of 27 messages and something tells me that it can be very far between emergency assessments.

If it is true that this [Bodnariu] family has never had contact with Barnevernet before and theme is spanking, then we have at our office handled approximately 100 such cases only one of which led to the use of 4.6, 2nd paragraph, and there was marked violence – like using a belt and water immersion.

I am of the view based on the information that has been leaked from what lies behind the [Bodnariu] emergency decision made in Naustdal that it most likely would have been – if this had been a rehearsal case – that few municipalities would have ended up so drastic with a family where the theme is spanking – parents have admitted their actions – at least partially – they are willing to take remedial action – they have no history of child welfare – this is their debut [with CPS] and they have never had or been able to demonstrate that they cannot both change and cooperate for the good of their children and their family.

I would venture to say that small municipalities lack the training behind an everyday in our office where we several times a month make emergency reviews – yes, sometimes several in one week.

It is not okay – if – and probably this if – had this family lived in Bergen, the family would have been reunited with relief efforts

…but in Naustdal so ….

There is a big difference in managing a case of correctly correct – which you receive assistance from the County Administrator – to make the right assessments in the vicinity of corresponding with what other municipalities would have done with a case like this.

It is hoped that you come to your senses and withdraw the case.”

Indeed, we all hope that the Naustdal Barnevernet comes to its senses and withdraws the case against the Bodnariu family.


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